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Frequently Asked Questions


What is pelvic floor physical therapy?

Pelvic floor physical therapy refers to physical therapy with a specialist who has advanced training in the assessment and treatment of the muscles and physical structures of your pelvic floor. You pelvic floor is responsible for controlling when you pee and poop, sexual and reproductive function, and physical support for the rest of your body to move optimally.

Often, pelvic floor physical therapy involves the internal assessment of the pelvic floor muscles, usually through the vaginal canal. At Foundation PT, we use a combination of manual techniques and exercise to help you reach your goals.

Pelvic floor physical therapy


Should I do pelvic floor therapy while I'm pregnant?

Yes, and it's highly encouraged! Physical therapy during pregnancy is appropriate for nearly everyone, even if you aren't actively having symptoms like pain or leakage. PT can help facilitate a smoother labor with less pelvic floor disturbance, reduce the incidence of common pregnancy aches and pains, promote faster diastasis recti recovery postpartum, and keep you doing the things you love during pregnancy.

physical therapy during pregnancy


When should I start physical therapy postpartum?

The recommended start time for postpartum rehab is two to three weeks after baby is born. Initial rehab after delivery does not involve intense exercise and is approached in a gentle manner. Internal work does not start until six weeks postpartum to allow for optimal internal healing.

If you have had a cesarean birth, it can be beneficial to have an appointment earlier than this to help you learn to activate your core muscles, protect your scar, and limit pain in the initial days and weeks of recovery. We do offer home visits on a case by case basis based on distance and practice availability for newly postpartum moms. We would be happy to discuss your situation and if home visits are right for you.

Postpartum recovery


Do I need a referral for physical therapy?

No, and thank goodness! Wisconsin has direct access for physical therapy, meaning you can go straight to your PT. Only stop at the middleman if you feel like you absolutely need or want to, but it is not an obligation. 

Pelvic floor therapy


Is physical therapy covered by insurance?

At Foundation, our physical therapy services are covered under your insurance plan's out of network benefits. To use your out of network benefits at our practice, you will be provided with a receipt for services (aka superbill) after your appointment, which you will be able to find in our convenient patient portal.  You can then submit this receipt to your insurance company, and they will reimburse you directly according to your plan. If you have questions about your plan's out of network coverage, please direct those questions to your insurance provider.

If you do not have out of network benefits, no worries! You can still receive care with us.

All patients are welcome to use HSA/FSA dollars as well.

pelvic floor therapy


My baby has a flat spot and/or a head tilt. When should I bring them in?

As soon as possible. These two issues (plagiocephaly and torticollis) go hand in hand and can rapidly snowball, resulting in prolonged therapy time and/or the need for a cranial orthotic (helmet).

plagiocephaly torticollis


My baby hates tummy time. What should I do?

Physical therapy can be a great help in this situation. We do like to give babies the benefit of the doubt because sometimes tummy time is just hard work and that's simply no fun. But when we start to notice a pattern that baby has extremely limited tolerance for being belly down, it can be the case that bodywork is needed to relieve some of the discomfort that being on their tummy causes. We can also give parents the tools they need to successfully modify tummy time while still getting all of the benefits.

Tummy time


My baby isn't meeting milestones. Should we start physical therapy?

If ever you have concerns, it is never the wrong answer to bring your baby in to be evaluated. We will do a comprehensive assessment to see what foundational skills your baby has mastered to this point, assess for any muscle imbalances that may be preventing further development, and also work with you so you feel confident supporting your baby as they work towards mastering their milestones.

It is our belief at Foundation PT that  while all babies develop at their own pace and milestone development is ultimately a range of normal, it is better to be on top of potential needs rather than trying to play catch-up months down the line. Many babies are incredibly receptive to physical therapy and are able to catch up quite quickly, if not even start to surpass milestones when intervention is started early.

pediatric PT

Setting the foundation for families to thrive.

Address: 403 N Grand Ave Ste 101 Waukesha, WI 53186

Phone: 262-627-0425

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